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Episode 5 of documentary "Building New Ways"
In the spring of 2021, work started on the final phase of the expansion of the Twente Canals, a contract that was awarded by Rijkswaterstaat to the construction consortium Van Oord - Hakkers - Beens at the end of October 2020. The combination is supported by experts from Count & Cooper. The support is aimed at both the tendering phase and the actual realization of the project.
The Twente Canals are located in the eastern Netherlands and consist of the main branch from the IJssel to Enschede and the side branch from Delden to Almelo. They form an important logistical link for the transport of goods by water to the ports of Almelo, Hengelo and Enschede. Transport via the Twente Canals is expected to increase in the coming years.
Installation of sheet piles
The combination – consisting of the hydraulic engineering and dredging companies Van Oord, Hakkers and Beens Groep – will replace the current sheet piles over a length of 47 kilometres, of which 35 kilometers will return as sheet piling and 12 kilometers as a nature-friendly bank or special. In addition, the canal will be widened and a self-sealing layer will be installed for groundwater management in the vicinity of the Twente Canals.
By widening the canal, larger and heavier-loaded ships will soon be able to sail faster and more safely on the Twente Canals. It also benefits the accessibility of the ports and, as an additional effect, also creates employment for the regional economy.
According to Rijkswaterstaat, sustainability also plays an important role in the project. Larger ships on the canal lead to 900 fewer trucks on the road per day, resulting in lower CO2 and nitrogen emissions. The expansion of the Twente Canal will be completed in December 2022.
Fauna exit site
Count & Cooper was asked by the construction consortium to act as an independent project management partner in order to arrive at the winning tender and to carry out the work in a controlled manner after the award.
By aligning interests with the construction consortium and bearing part of the project risks, a collaboration is created based on co-makership. In addition, Count & Cooper is the party that does not build anything itself. The agency manages the project in terms of time/money/quality, and contributes best practice processes, IT tooling and a team of specialists.
“The secret of this success lies in the open attitude, close cooperation and best-for-project action by all parties. We are proud to strengthen the Van Oord - Hakkers - Beens consortium as a management party.”
Kilometers of sheet piles being replaced
Kilometers of nature-friendly banks to be realized
Fewer trucks on the road every day