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March 28, 2025
We are looking for project analysts with courage & flair, who want to shake up the construction world with us. Our colleagues Janna Beukers and Laura Guleij will share their experience on the Veenix project with you.
Curious? Sign up for our lecture & drinks, where you will learn more about working at Count & Cooper.
The substantive part will take place from 15.00 until 17.00, followed by an informal drink. Please note that the event will be held in Dutch.
How nice that you are interested in the Count & Cooper lecture! In this form we ask you to fill in some basic information. In order to be able to officially invite you, we need this information from you. Don't worry, we only use your information for that. If you have any questions after your registration, you can ask them via career@countcooper.nl
For anyone interested with 0-2 years work experience
Groothandelsgebouw Stationsplein 45 unit A7.194, Rotterdam
March 28, 2025
Starting at 15.00